
Rejestracja: 2014-04-09
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Remik HD

Remik HD

Remik HD
1 rok 260 dni temu


     Have you ever see how many people waist their lives.   I know someone who's whole existence consists of laying on a bed surfing the net trying to make people as miserable as he himself is.   He is a waist of space, and a waist is a terrible thing to mind.   He sits around imagining  things and trying to make people say that his dreams are real.    I once heard Neurotics build castles in the sky, and Psychotics live in them.   If that is true I wonder if it is possible to be both neurotic and psychotic at one time.   I kind of understand why people would live their lives on the net I myself was accused of doing it once a few years ago.   It is easy to forget who you are behind a computer screen.   You can pretend you are not a jabba the hutt look alike who has no prospects for a real girl friend of children of your own.   You can pretend you are superior to everyone even though you know people laugh at you behind your back, and call you names.   You can be anyone from anywhere behind a computer screen, but there is a problem with this world.   It is not real.  There is no one there to hold you when you are sad, to nurse you when you are ill, to say you are important to them, to go with you to the doctors if you are scared what he may find.   The computer world is fun and can be exciting at times if you use it right, but when all is said and done it is just another appliance made to make our lives easier.  

     We need to be careful and guard against being trapped inside the computer allowing the rest of our life to slip away.   I really feel sorry for the guy I described above, because I was him about 5 years ago.   I woke up one day and realized you can not live your life like that.   I still spend a few hours on the net nearly every day, but I have learned to shut it off and walk away from it.   It no longer controls me.   I control it.  

     I am not trying to decide how to best deal with this person who is a net bully.   I am not sure if it is best to walk away from him and forget him or if it is best to make him feel like he tries to make other people feel.  I wonder if he would learn anything if I did.   I will have to think about it because if I sink to his level am I not just as bad as him?   But if I walk away and leave him unchanged if I could help him see what he is doing is wrong that is not good either.   That is the biggest problem with people that live in the net they do not have a real life, and an cyber life is better then no life at all.   Yea you can not touch your net friends but you at least are not left alone with the sound of just your own voice.


     We are all familiar with those old movies where vultures start circling over head at the first sign of someone weakening below n the ground.   The ironic thing about these animals is if not for the death of others they themselves would likely die.   I have found lately that some people are very much like the vulture circling looking for weakness in others, and exploiting it when the time is right.

     Then we have the big cats who hunt for their food.   They can often take down animals larger then more powerful then themselves, but they will usually choose a baby or an injured animal as their target.   Some may ask why they go after the most weakest targets with as much power as they have.   Others know it is an effective way to gain what you want without having to work so hard for it.   They will separate the smaller weaker animals from the heard that would help protect them from the attack and take them out one by one.   It is only when there is no one that shows any kind of weakness that they will go after an animal that is at full power to survive.

     It is funny how so many animals will live off others, using their weakness against them. The human race is no different.   If you look around you will see many in the human race are just like predators and scavengers  always looking to advance themselves through the weaknesses of others.   The thing most of them do not realize is that some of us have been through a lot of hardships and survived them so we are not the easy targets they think us to be.  

     The best way to survive an attack is to not allow it to get to you.   If you allow it to get to you on an emotional level they have you where they want you.   I am notorious for allowing people to push my buttons.   I plan to make some changes and not allow these button pushers to have any effect on my life in the future, as they are unimportant in my life and shall have little to no effect on the new year. lol I am thinking it will take me a couple months to gain the mental control to make this work for me that is why I say the new year.   A lifetime of reacting to things one way does not change over night, but you can change anything about yourself if you want it bad enough.


     Many people have told me I should not get too attached to people I meet on line.   I know it is good advice especially with the number of people who have up and dissapeared on me without a word, but it is hard to not get attached to people that make you happy when you are sad, that make you feel secure when you are feeling insecure, that help you when you think no one cares.   I have had a few friends like this.   It really hurts when they go away, casting you aside like you never meant anything to them.   I really hate when people send me mixxed messages.   It hurts far less for someone to just say I do not want to be your friend anymore then it does to have someone just walk away from you without a prober good bye.


      Irony is a funny thing.   So often the very things we want for ourselves are the same things we do not want to give others  Love, Respect, Peace of mind.   We all want these things for ourselves, but so few of us like to aid anyone else in getting some for themselves.  

     What annoys me is when you ask someone not to speak to you in a certain manner and then the do the same thing again but worse.  I would expect this from a child the i will show you attitude,    I have just desided in the future anyone acting in a child like manner shall be treated as I would a child no matter what their age.     

     I was also thinking about Mommy Dearest.   She tried to force the children to love her even though she never showed them any love. lol  I remember when I was a teen and was fighting with my mom ( like teens do sometimes)   If i was really mad i would say to her yes mommy dearest lol .   She never read the book or saw the movie so she never caught the referance.   My neices were a bit more creative with their mom when they werer teens they were both taking spanish and would speak it when they did not want their mom to know what they were saying.  My sister is not idiot though.   Her son also was fluent in spanish and she would get him to translate for her. lol    Like I said respect.   They did not respect her enough to speak english so she did not respect them enough to allow their convercations be private.   My nephew found the whole thing quite funny as he was as my mom would say ( born and old man ).   He always acted more mature then any of the kids his age.

     Now this blog may seem to ramble and jump wildely from one idea to another but if you look close you will see the binding thread IRONY the irony of each of these cases tie them all together. 

Which brings me to the moral and the golden rule :  DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO ONTO YOU.


      Why do I allow things I can not change to upset me?   They are what they are and wanting them to change will not make it happen.  The logical side of my mind knows this and understands it too well, but the emotional side of my mind does not.   It thinks if I want it bad enough anything is possible.   My logical side knows I can not control anyone else I can only control my reaction to their actions, but my emotional side says if they loved me as much as I love them they would not hurt me like this.   My emotional side does not understand why they do what they do knowing it will hurt people.

     I have a couple very wise friends and they have some really good advice, but hearing it and knowing it is good advice is one thing acting on it and learning from it is two different things. Emotions are a powerful thing.  Memories that are associated with emotions are far stronger then any associated with logic.   Time will heal everything, but people could help your emotional pains go away faster if they would just put themselves in your place, and see it like you do.     I have always let my emotions get the better of me.