
Rejestracja: 2014-04-09
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Remik HD

Remik HD

Remik HD
1 rok 260 dni temu


     We are all familiar with those old movies where vultures start circling over head at the first sign of someone weakening below n the ground.   The ironic thing about these animals is if not for the death of others they themselves would likely die.   I have found lately that some people are very much like the vulture circling looking for weakness in others, and exploiting it when the time is right.

     Then we have the big cats who hunt for their food.   They can often take down animals larger then more powerful then themselves, but they will usually choose a baby or an injured animal as their target.   Some may ask why they go after the most weakest targets with as much power as they have.   Others know it is an effective way to gain what you want without having to work so hard for it.   They will separate the smaller weaker animals from the heard that would help protect them from the attack and take them out one by one.   It is only when there is no one that shows any kind of weakness that they will go after an animal that is at full power to survive.

     It is funny how so many animals will live off others, using their weakness against them. The human race is no different.   If you look around you will see many in the human race are just like predators and scavengers  always looking to advance themselves through the weaknesses of others.   The thing most of them do not realize is that some of us have been through a lot of hardships and survived them so we are not the easy targets they think us to be.  

     The best way to survive an attack is to not allow it to get to you.   If you allow it to get to you on an emotional level they have you where they want you.   I am notorious for allowing people to push my buttons.   I plan to make some changes and not allow these button pushers to have any effect on my life in the future, as they are unimportant in my life and shall have little to no effect on the new year. lol I am thinking it will take me a couple months to gain the mental control to make this work for me that is why I say the new year.   A lifetime of reacting to things one way does not change over night, but you can change anything about yourself if you want it bad enough.