
Rejestracja: 2014-04-09
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Remik HD

Remik HD

Remik HD
1 rok 260 dni temu


     Have you ever see how many people waist their lives.   I know someone who's whole existence consists of laying on a bed surfing the net trying to make people as miserable as he himself is.   He is a waist of space, and a waist is a terrible thing to mind.   He sits around imagining  things and trying to make people say that his dreams are real.    I once heard Neurotics build castles in the sky, and Psychotics live in them.   If that is true I wonder if it is possible to be both neurotic and psychotic at one time.   I kind of understand why people would live their lives on the net I myself was accused of doing it once a few years ago.   It is easy to forget who you are behind a computer screen.   You can pretend you are not a jabba the hutt look alike who has no prospects for a real girl friend of children of your own.   You can pretend you are superior to everyone even though you know people laugh at you behind your back, and call you names.   You can be anyone from anywhere behind a computer screen, but there is a problem with this world.   It is not real.  There is no one there to hold you when you are sad, to nurse you when you are ill, to say you are important to them, to go with you to the doctors if you are scared what he may find.   The computer world is fun and can be exciting at times if you use it right, but when all is said and done it is just another appliance made to make our lives easier.  

     We need to be careful and guard against being trapped inside the computer allowing the rest of our life to slip away.   I really feel sorry for the guy I described above, because I was him about 5 years ago.   I woke up one day and realized you can not live your life like that.   I still spend a few hours on the net nearly every day, but I have learned to shut it off and walk away from it.   It no longer controls me.   I control it.  

     I am not trying to decide how to best deal with this person who is a net bully.   I am not sure if it is best to walk away from him and forget him or if it is best to make him feel like he tries to make other people feel.  I wonder if he would learn anything if I did.   I will have to think about it because if I sink to his level am I not just as bad as him?   But if I walk away and leave him unchanged if I could help him see what he is doing is wrong that is not good either.   That is the biggest problem with people that live in the net they do not have a real life, and an cyber life is better then no life at all.   Yea you can not touch your net friends but you at least are not left alone with the sound of just your own voice.