
Rejestracja: 2014-04-09
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Remik HD

Remik HD

Remik HD
1 rok 260 dni temu


      Today I am going to discuss what a friend is.   It is said a friend is someone who knows all about you and lobes you just the same.   That is what my thoughts of what it means to be a friend is.  Friends love you even when you do things that make them angry.  Because real friends understand that we are all human and as such subject to the same flaws as any other human.
I have a friend that I love very much, or at least I think we are still friends as she has not spoken to me in days.   Have you ever noticed some people would rather shut you out then explain to you EXACTLY what you did that made them mad?  
     This reminds me of something that happened in 10th grade.   I had a friend named Denise Mickalas ( hope I spelled that right it has been a long time.)   I was absent for a few days and when I went back to school she wanted nothing to do with me.   I tried to get her to tell me why she was mad at me and all she would say is:   You know what you did, but I really had no clue what I allegedly did or why she was mad.   One can not fix something they did wrong that hurt someones feelings if they do not know what they did.   I still wish I knew what Denise thought I did that made her turn on me like that.   All I knew is I lost my best friend at that time and I had no clue why.


     Sometimes I wonder if men ever think about things they say and do.   I have a friend i have know for many years.   He barely noticed my birthday earlier this month but today he made a big deal out of the birthday of another girl who he just met a short time ago.   I am not going to pretend I was not hunt, so I asked him if I could ask him something that really was none of my business.   He said if it is none of your business you know my answer, so I did not ask him if he and this girl were seeing each other.   I just walked away upset.   I never asked him the question that if he had answered it may have made me feel less insecure.   I just wonder if men ever think about what they say and do and how it will effect others in their circle of friends.
     I want to make one thing clear I am not jealous of this girl as in a boy girl way.   I have my own man who is very kind, but I am a little jealous I have know my friend longer and he paid more attention to her birthday then mine.   If he would have just let me ask my question and said yea him and her were keeping time I would have understood him  taking more interest in her birthday then mine and all would have been good.   I really do not think men have any clue how their actions effect others.
     There are other things I will not go into right now playing on my insecurities.


     This past month has been hell.   I was in the hospital 2 times in the past month.   Now my brother is there with a quadrupal bypass.   I really hate this time of year :(  .   All the bad things that happen this time of year shadow the good things.   The 19th will be the anaversery of my fathers death and in the next 2 weeks after that will be the anaversery of the death of 3 other people that meant alot to me.  On Christmas day will be the anaversery of my grandfathers death.   I am looking ahead to January.   Maybe things will be better then.
     One thing I realized in my last stay in the hospital all the drama on the net is not worth my health.   So fair warning if anyone thinks they are going to get me worked up for their own amusement prepair to be put on ignore and forgotten about.   It is like the old saying goes those that would make you cry are not worthy of your tears and those that ar worthy of them would never make you cry.  
     I have had a few people that were very important to me at one time move on from me and thought it hurt at the time I am still here it did not kill me.   I am coming to realize that perhaps they were not as important to me as I thought they were.   They are gone but my life goes on.   Now it is time for me to move on away from those useless wishes that they would come back to me.   I will someday remember the good they did me without crying about the loss of them and who knows maybe someday I will be able to think about them and have no emotion at all.  
     I have lost people i cared about before and I will lose more I am sure.   There is a saying God does not give you more then you can handle.   I hope that is true because I have came very close to breaking a few times this year.
     Here is to moving on to better places may everyone find their own happy in their new places.


Why do I sit here and cry?

Cry over days gone by.

Cry because people lie.


Why do I care what people think?

The way they act is starting to stink.

These attitudes make my spirit sink.


Why is it so hard for people to really hear?

Hear they are hurting those near.

Does lose of popularity feed their fear?


Isn't it truly a shame?

When people once wanted the same.

Now only use their words to maim.


Why should I care?

They are no longer there

Now  I must beware


     I found out recently that trust is a suckers bet.   I used to trust everyone, but I found out that is not a good idea.   People will tell you what you want to hear to get you to do what they want, but the one time you take a stand for something you believe in they will turn on you, and let their true feelings about you show.   I am quite loyal to those I call my friends and groups I join.   I one time told someone I was loyal and the remark was cast aside like loyalty had no merit.   I have later come to find that it was all a smoke screen as what he said was more important then loyalty apparently is not that important either.  

     I have come to realize yes men get the promotions and praise.   Well I can only play the part of a yes man if what I really believe is the same as the subject being discussed.   If I do not agree with the proposed idea I am not going to pretend I do or that it is the best idea ever just to stroke some higher ups ego.   If I have to be a yes man to clime the ladder I will stay on the ground and keep my self esteem.    Oh and by the way if anyone thinks they see themselves in this that is your issue not mine, so keep it to yourself.