Have you ever had one of those days that starts out bad and gets worse? I am having one of them today. Without going into a lot of detail it is one of those days when I wish I could go back to bed and pull the bed in over me in hopes tomorrow will be better. This bad day actually started last night when something that started out as a fun game turned into a problem when someone lied to me. It was a small lie. The thing is it is one that will not be tolerated in the group I hand with most times. None of it would have came to this had he just admitted what he did.
Here is a question for everyone. What is easier to forgive a lie that you know is a lie but can not prove or a lie you know is a lie and is admitted when you confront the liar? It is not that my group will not forgive a lie what we will not forgive is someone that lies WE ALL KNOW IT IS A LIE, and still they deny the lie.
I rarely take anything on face value, because I myself have been accused wrongly many times, BUT when you can prove the person is lying and they continue to lie there is a trust issue there. I do not know if he did not know we could do what we did that reveled who he was, but when confronted he denied it. There is no doubt we are right, and still he denied it. He did however put forth a plausible theory on how this could have happened. Problem is I have know him way too long and if you know someone REALLY KNOW THEM you know what they will and will not do, and if someone says they did something you know they would never do you can call a lie a lie. There is only one way his theory could have been true and knowing him like I do I KNOW HE WOULD NEVER HAVE LET THAT HAPPEN! Which brings us back to the lie of denial. So I had to start my day out dealing with this.
I know it is going to get worse, because I promised a friend I would work on his computer later today and it is an antique lol. It is running xp though I do not believe it originally started out that way I am thinking it was originally a 98 or 95. I remember him telling me one time someone had upgraded it for him, but they used a ripped disc. I don't know if you know what happens when you rip a windows disc but the security on it will leave off files you need for the computer to run right. We had another friend at one time that tried to help him get it working better and he did a little but it still has issues, so anytime you start working on this thing it is at least a 5 to 10 hr job as its processer is really really slow. I will be glad when today is over, cause tomorrow has got to be better RIGHT?
This day is getting progressively worse as it goes along. I am at the stage now where I think a good cry would do me some good. I really think I need to just go away for a while. It is one of those days with first one disaster after another.