I was talking to some friends the other night. One of the subjects was age and would we be young again if we could. One of my friends said she would give anything to be young again, and this link is for her. https://youtu.be/M57__OyMCfI
I on the other hand do not want to be young again. Not if it would mean losing all the knowledge I have gathered in my 56 years as a visitor to this planet. Another reason I would not like to be young again is if I were the only one to be young again, I would be doing it without many of the people who have made me who I am today. Many of those that taught me, loved me, hurt me, and protected me while I was becoming who I am today are gone now. If not for each of them even the ones that hurt me I would not be who I am today, and I kind of like who I am today most of the time.
My life is far from perfect, but in many ways it is better then it was when I was young. I am stronger emotionally, more assertive when needed, less scared of things that used to terrify me. If I were young again I would need to relearn all the skills I have learned to cope with these things. I never really fit in with kids my own age when I was young. I always got along better with people older or younger then me. I think it was because people my own age tended to look down on me and make fun of me, because I was not like them. The younger kids looked up to me because I would do things with them like take them for walks and play games with them things their parents either did not have time for or did not want to do. Kids need adults to help them and teach them. The older people felt sorry for me and would protect me.
There is a time for everything and the time for being young is when you are young. The time for being old is when you got the experience and knowledge to pass it on. The fact of the matter is I am happier at this age then I was when I was young. I know people love me now I did not feel the love when I was younger. I was insecure and some mean people in my life took advantage of it.
The key to being happy is likening who you are at all points in your life. Bottom line age is just a number you really are as young as you feel.