
Rejestracja: 2014-04-09
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Remik HD

Remik HD

Remik HD
1 rok 260 dni temu


     The thoughts for today will be jumping around a lot.   There are several things that I need to get off my chest.  First my mom always said if the shoe fits ware it and if it pinches holler.   Well apparently someone put on a shoe that was too tight last night and did not like what I said, but instead of being woman enough to confront me she went running to someone who really had nothing to do with it.   I found this action very very interesting considering what she was whining to him about.   I will not go into the subject, but it was interesting her reaction to what I said.   Like I told him for what I said to her to effect her the way it did she must have seen the truth in what I said and felt bad about it.     I just love how people want to get back at someone for something they say or do but they do not want to do it themselves.   My mom used to say one person was making the bullets and another was shooting them when someone would seek revenge by proxy in this manner.

     The next subject may seem unrelated but if you knew the whole story you would see there is a thin thread connecting both of these things.   I do not like bullies I was bullied in my youth and really hate when people do it to others today.   Even if someone does something stupid like making up a story to get attention for themselves, it does not warrant  someone or a group of others making fun of that person for and extended time.   If someone says something you know is not true, I do not see anything wrong with calling bs on the story, but there is no need to keep taunting the person about it for days.   No one is perfect.  I know I am not.  We all should live by the golden rule:  Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.   If you do not want people picking on you, you should not pick on others.

     There are times I get so frustrated I feel like just walking away from everyone and everything I know and starting over somewhere else.   Why so I stay?   It is because I have a good sense of responsibility to things I commit to.    I have seen others do it but it is not in me to do that.   I try to do my best to live up to what my family and friends expect of me only to have others try to drag me down.

     Have you ever wondered why some people are alone, never finding someone to be with forever?   It is because they are evil of sole and personality.   If you are a bitch no one will want to spend their life with you.   If you are a bully people will run away from you.   Picking on someone smaller then you and making them scared des not make you strong it shows how truly weak and insecure you really are.