
Rejestracja: 2024-06-11
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Ilość potrzebnych punktów: 30
Ostatnia gra

Twilight whispers

In the fleeting hush of autumn's sigh,

Leaves dance down as the year bids goodbye,

A tapestry woven, in rust and gold,

Whispers of stories that time has told.

Fate, a phantom in shadows cast wide,

With needles of silver, it stitches and bides,

Yet here, in this moment, beneath the pale skies,

Love plays the violin, as the twilight replies.

Each note rings like droplets from heavens above,

Filling the air with the warmth of its love,

A melody swirling on crisp evening air,

While the chill of the season envelops us there.

The world drifts away let the heart take its flight,

Under canopies painted in soft amber light,

For the inevitable waits, like the dusk for the dawn,

But until it arrives, let this moment go on.

Enshrined in the laughter, the memories made,

We waltz through the echoes, where sweetness won't fade,

With every soft caress of the autumnal breeze,

Let love hold our souls as it rustles the leaves.

So let us embrace what we cannot outrun,

As the sun bows down and the day is undone,

In this fragile expanse, where the fleeting finds grace,

Let love be the violin, and we’ll sway in its embrace.